
Signs & Wonders Of Sathya Sai

To understand Baba’s significant signs of wonders, we must delve faithfully to understand His glory and experience the element of divinity with the path of compassion and love without boundaries.

Bhagwan Himself narrates a glimpse of amazing miracles towards mankind which is beyond one’s explanations. To comprehend Baba’s significant signs of wonders, we must delve faithfully to understand His glory and experience the element of divinity. The approach of love and affection that He showers upon all, is purely divine and magical. In a discourse on December 1976, He said that His manifestations were not to deceive and mislead the people but to attract, reconstruct, transform, and make them useful and serviceable for society.

Generally, He has taught us the path of compassion and love without boundaries. To gain His infinite love, we always sing His grace through bhajans. As He always preach, LOVE ALL, SERVE ALL. Sai Ram.

During Swami’s childhood days, the miracles claimed by His family and people from His village left them speechless and stunned. On 8 March 1940, while living with his elder brother Seshama Raju in Uravakonda, a small town near Puttaparthi, 14-year-old Sathya was apparently stung by a scorpion. He lost consciousness for several hours and in the next few days underwent a noticeable change in behavior. There were “symptoms of laughing and weeping, eloquence and silence.” It is claimed that then “he began to sing Sanskrit verses, a language of which it is alleged he had no prior knowledge.

He is alleged to have been capable of materialising objects such as food and sweets out of thin air. On 23 May 1940, Sathya called household members and reportedly materialised sugar candy (prasad) and flowers for them.

Bhagawan’s appearance of miracle happenings are spontaneous with natural expressions. Baba has taken pains to stress the fact that He is no magic or mesmerism. He is genuinely divine power that creates objects and the universe. The appearance of holy ash and kum kum and creation of talisman, lockets and rings are just emblems of love to His devotees.

As He says; ‘Miracles are not part of my personality, but only a token of my love.’

Baba had declared that the first sixteen (16) years of his life would be devoted to ‘leelas(miracles)’, the next sixteen (16) years to ‘mahimas’ and the remaining years would be preaching of upadesa (sermons). He further explains that all three, continues throughout his Avatar years with miracles, splendor and sermons. The significance of signs and wonders must be experienced and realized by the devotee himself. If hesitation persists due to self-pride and sensibility, acceptance of the miracles and divine presence fails.

There is countless evidence to prove that Swami creates what he wants. Even scientific research has made its entry on the scene.

  1. Once there was a minor surgery procedure to remove a benign mole which caused the patient intense pain and restlessness, but mysteriously subsided and she had immediate relief as white flakes of Vibuthi fell in profusely on her face and body from the air. This incredible incident was described by the Professor’s wife. This is something beyond one’s belief of how it occurred. Since then, every Thursday, bhajans were carried out to spread grace and love of Sai.

  2. The Summer Course of 1973 was in progress at Whitefield, Bangalore. One student, a habitual smoker, had promised Swami that he would not smoke again. Once when Swami asked him, he vehemently denied that he had smoked. In front of those present, Swami materialized a photograph, showing even the background of the place, where the boy was sitting and smoking.

Here’s another inexplicable miracle event that happened.

One day, when Swami spotted an old woman, who demanded nothing, he asked her, who her favourite God was. She replied that her husband was her favourite God. When she asked for a photo of her husband, who expired two years before Swami’s birth and who had never been photographed, Swami at once materialized it. The old woman, overcome with emotion, bowed at the feet of Swami.

One of Swami’s faithful devotees- Sri Raja Reddy lived with Swami for quite some time. One of his varied experiences is narrated below.

“My mother was on her way to Kasi. Others were also with her. At that time, we were with Swami at Kodaikanal. Swami told me, “Now your mother is on the train traveling in this route. [He gave the location.] She has got a fever. As she entered the lavatory, she was about to fall. I rescued her. Now she is fine.” When the mother returned, she described all this.

One of the many experiences of Dr. Gadia, who runs the ‘Om Sathya Sai Dispensary’ in Arusha in Africa, goes like this:

In 1962, one day at 2:30 p.m., Sai Baba asked Gadia to take down this note, “At present, your mother is being subjected to an operation in Kampala. Doctors are of the opinion that she cannot be saved. But I will give her a new life, I will make her well.”

Dr. Gadia immediately wrote to Kampala and from his brother’s reply found that whatever Baba had told was true. The letter’s content was that his mother, suffering from an intestinal ailment, was taken to the hospital, that the doctors conducted a surgery as the last resort and that the doctors had no hope of the success of the operation. It was also mentioned in the letter that his brother had applied Sai Vibhuti at the last moment, praying for the blessings of Swami. Another day at Brindavan, Swami informed Dr. Gadia, “I had been to Kampala yesterday to rescue your parents from a car accident.” The doctor learned about the actual incident later. Though the car was smashed, parents had a miraculous escape.

Swami explains that the significance of gifts or tokens of love to His devotees. Is merely that grace is available to all who call on Me in My name or form, though not with these gifts. Love is that bond which wins grace.

Obviously, these Sai miracles have a deep symbolic purpose, they are not just idle acts meant to amaze crowds. This establishes the credentials of Lord Sai and these signs, which may be taken as wonders, pronounce the divine nature and mission of Sathya Sai Baba.

And of course, there can be no better explanation than this of miraculous occurrences and significance of signs and wonder. On the contrary, one who has experienced the immeasurable love and compassion of Sai Baba, these miracles seem trivial.

The real purpose of divine signs and wonders is chiefly to enhance our faith in the divine, and to cement our bond with God, Swami says:

‘You may infer from what you call my miracles that I am causing them to attract and attach you to me and me alone. They are no intended to demonstrate or publicize. They are merely spontaneous and concomitant proofs of divine majesty’


  1. Sai Baba – The Rose Fire of Heaven

    • Narrated by: Professor Krishna Nandan Sinha
    • Published by: Sterling Publishers Private Limited
  2. Website Links

Sathya Sai Baba Center of Bandar Klang