

An article about Baba's teachings on human values that bring happiness.

Swami simplifies our understanding of the principle of love with a saying: “Love in thought is Sathya, Love in action is Dharma, Love in feeling is Shanti and Love in understanding is Ahimsa”. Love is the hidden current for all the human values. When we speak with love, it is Sathya. When work is saturated with love, it is Dharma. Life lived according to these values gives peace. Love coming from a peaceful heart brings bliss. Love is the base of values and it should guide all our thoughts, words and actions.

Love is Atma. Love is Wisdom. Love is Truth. Love is Righteousness. Love is Peace and Love is Non-Violence. Once you fill your heart with love, wicked feelings have no place in it.

Truth is unity of thought, word and deed. When action is filled with truth it becomes Dharma. When all actions are right, peace reigns and one’s mind is free from all traces of violence.

In order to experience Prema, we first need to understand it. Take Prema as a shining light. If we want to experience this light, we should have a lightbulb. We also need electricity. Electricity here can be compared to Truth. When combining these 2 things we get to experience the light (Prema).

These values can be summarized as the following:

Love + Thought = Sathya
Love + Feelings = Shanti
Love + Action = Dharma
Love + Understanding = Ahimsa
Ultimately, LOVE = HAPPINESS

In conclusion, The Bhagavad Gita once said that true happiness is born of the purity of one’s own mind. In my view, by practicing the 5 human values it not only brings happiness but purifies our thoughts, words and deeds as Sai Baba said “Happiness comes of its own accord as a result of one’s good deeds”.



  2. Minakshi Biswal, Quality Education in Sri Sathya Sai Schools, An International Peer Reviewed, Scholarly Research Journal For Humanity Science And English Language. ISSN: 2348-3083


Sathya Sai Baba Center of Bandar Klang