
Story of Goddess Annapoorani

This is the story of Goddess Annapoorani.

One day, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati had a disagreement. She disappeared and said she would like to see how the world would survive without her.

In the disappearance of Goddess Parvati, the whole world was begging for food. To find a solution, Lord Shiva went to Kashi. There in Kashi, He saw Goddess Parvati in the form of Goddess Annapoorani (an aspect of Devi and is known as the goddess of food and nourishment) distributing food. Lord Shiva realised his mistake and seeked forgiveness.

Moral of the story: Always respect what a woman says, do not ignore it.

Story of Goddess Annapoorani

Sathya Sai Baba Center of Bandar Klang